Blog Archive

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Amber Flag!

In our school, we are trying to achieve the Amber Flag. It is very hard to achieve, so therefore only few schools get them.

 To achieve the Amber Flag you need to promote positive mental health for the school. 

All TY's are mostly getting involved to achieve this flag since it will be a huge achievement for the school. We are set up in groups such as Audit, PR, events, web committee, etc. I am in the Audit group. My group and I are in charge of sorting out what we have done, and what the other groups are doing. Together we then write summary's of each event held in the school and what goes on the noticeboard. We take pictures too. 

We are still under co, hopefully we will do great!

Quote of the day:
Be happy and smile

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

English Trip!

Hey guys,
On the 8th of October all TY's went to Dublin for 3 types of different tours. 
One tour we went to was to the WW1 museum. It was very exciting. There was a tour guide there just to introduce us to the place and we were free to roam around and look at the primary sources.

The second tour was to Bogs Body Museum. Here we saw the remains of people to died in a bog, it wasn't as pleasant to go and see but it was interesting to notice if it was a man on woman by reading the information plate beside it. 

The third tour we went to was to Yeat's museum. This was my favourite one because there were copies of actual rooms Yeat's was in back in the olden days. What made it more adventurous was that we could actually go in the rooms. There were paintings, and more information behind Yeat's family. 

Quote of the day:
Choose to shine

Monday, November 9, 2015

Fun day!

Hi everyone! 
On the 2nd of August we had our fun day. Our theme colour for our year was Yellow. 
There are only two Transition Year classes, so therefore there was a lot of competition between us. Every years dances had to link with friendship as it was friendship week, and every year had different colours.
 Our dance consisted with having half the class being sunflowers and clouds. It was a really good dance although we missed all tutor classes due to tours and work experience. We did get there eventually!
The other class had won which was a bummer, but I enjoyed the day very well so it was all good.

Quote of the day:
Don't look back, you'll miss whats in front of you


Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Kilkenny Art Trip!

Heyo everyone, I've went to an art trip with my year group and it was a total blast.

On the 24th of September is the day when we went to the art trip. We firstly went to watch the movie 'Song of The Sea' to get an idea of what we were going to expect in the actual art museum in Kilkenny Castle. It was a fantastic, imaginative movie. I mostly recommend people interested in animation to watch it as it gives creative imagination to people!

Afterwards, we went to the actual museum to see the 'behind the scenes' of the movie in an artistic matter. I found it extremely interesting, as an illustrator from the movie was leading the tour. It was said that the movie was nominated to be won for the Oscars, although unfortunately did not get the award.

Quote of the day:
Laughter is a weapon of mass construction. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Work Experience!

A huge YO to all!! Here's my work experience!

On the 23rd of September every TY student has started their first term of their work experience
The work experience I have chosen to work in for this term was in a café called Route 66.  I thought of working in a café due to wanting to increase my social skills and become more confident with new people rather than staying shy. 

My supervisor, Nadia, has given me a health and safety manual to read after welcoming me to the café and introducing herself. I found her very friendly, and that has eased my nervousness.

The day wasn't quite busy, so therefore Nadia had more time to teach me new things for the incoming Wednesday's I come here to work for, so I'd have an idea on what to do.
I can't wait to come back again.

Quote of the day:
It's okay to look at the past and the future. Just don't stare.